属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-仿肉食品的挑战
1 | ||1:尽管他有疑虑,在办公室焦急地走来走去,把地毯都磨坏了,但是他还是坚持了下来:不仅是因为政策温和后人们的期待会重新高涨,而且是因为坚持本身就是一项美德。||2:保罗保持着警惕,以至于在罗纳德·里根1984年的竞选中,里根本人对他下令,在精选之前不要提升利率。尽管那时候他也没这个打算。||3:里根的人认为他想要阻止经济发展,并试图将他赶下台。||4:保罗在1981年反对总统的减税,除非同时削减开支,但这不是出于政治目的;赤字会导致通货膨胀。||5:此外,对于一个崇尚节俭和纪律的人来说,这也是一种冒犯。 | ||1:Though he had doubts, and wore out his office carpet with anxious pacing, he kept at it: not just because expectations would leap back up if he relented, but because persistence was a virtue in itself.||2:And he stayed on guard, so much so that during Ronald Reagan’s 1984 campaign he was ordered by Reagan himself not to dare raise interest rates before the election, even though, by then, he was not intending to .||3:Reagan’s men thought he wanted to hold the economy back, and tried to dislodge him.||4:He opposed the president’s tax cut in 1981 unless it was matched by cuts in spending, but this was not political; deficits led to inflation.||5:Besides, to a man who believed in frugality and discipline, they were also offensive. | |
2 | ||1:为了确保他们没有伤及他们自己想要保护的对象,研究人员检测了所有未引起偷蛋者注意的装有“假蛋”的巢穴,并将这些巢穴内孵化的小乌龟和其它44个里面没有“假蛋”的未遭偷盗的巢穴内孵出的小乌龟进行了对比,结果显示这两种巢穴内的孵化率是一样的。||2:这说明把“假蛋”混着放在真蛋里并未影响真蛋的发育。 | ||1:To make sure that they, themselves, were not harming what they were intending to protect, the researchers monitored all of the decoy-laden nests which had survived the attentions of poachers and compared these nests’ outputs of hatchlings with those of 44 other surviving nests that had no decoy in them.||2:Both sorts of nest had the same hatching rates, suggesting that adding a decoy did not affect the development of the eggs it was hidden among. | |
3 | 布朗:“我们打算生产对肉类、乳制品消费者说非常便宜并且足够好,本质上无法区别的原材料来参与竞争。我认为这是赢得市场的唯一办法。” | PATRICK BROWN: "What we’re intending to do is basically produce stuff that will compete by being substantially cheaper and every bit as good and essentially indistinguishable to a consumer who loves meat or dairy. That’s the only way I think you’re really going to win in the market." | |
4 | 虽然存在着一些卖空加密货币的机会,但是,就各种ICO代币而言,基本上是毫无机会的(那些有意买入的人)。 | There are some opportunities to short cryptocurrencies, but essentially none for ICO tokens (something those intending to buy might reflect on, if reflection is their thing). | |
5 | 20世纪初期,日本利用“间岛”问题向清政府施压,企图攫取更多的侵略权益。 | At the beginning of the 20th century, intending to grasp more land, Japan exerted pressure on Qing government. | |
6 | 阿瑟大步跨出了房间,显然完全打算把他的威胁付诸实施。 | Arthur stalked out of the room, obviously fully intending to carry out his threat. | |
7 | 本文综述了近几年国内外有关虫生真菌在控制粉虱类害虫中的应用研究。 | This paper is intending to introduce the lastest research development and achievement in biocontrol of whitefly with entomogenous fungus. | |
8 | 不过,当我提到一轮crescentmoon的时候,我通常只是想描述它的形状,像一片被剪下的、弯弯的手指甲。 | But when I refer to a crescent moon I’m usually just intending to communicate its fingernail-clipping shape. | |
9 | 除非是想跳进塞纳河,不然去干什么呢? | What was he intending to do, if not to throw himself into the Seine? | |
10 | 大门是开着的,所以我愉快的散步进这栋别墅并希望能敲门入室。 | The gate was open, so I blithely strolled into the estate intending to knockon the door. | |
11 | 但他并不是这个世界上唯一一个无意间做了有害的事的人。 | But he is far from the only person in the world who has done something hurtful without intending to . | |
12 | 根据美联储(Fed)的数据,对于所有贷款类型而言,计划收紧贷款标准的银行比例正在减少。 | According to the Federal Reserve, the proportion of banks intending to tighten lending standards is down for all types of loan. | |
13 | 很多来美的移民都原打算短暂的停留,挣些钱就回家。 | Many immigrant workers came to America intending to remain only briefly, to earn some money and return home. | |
14 | 她称自己没有意识到有这样的口误,并说:“如果我这么说了,我也不是故意的。” | "I wasn’t conscious of that at all, " she said. "If I am doing it I’m not intending to . " | |
15 | 她是个积极上进的学生,并不想仓促陷入任何恋情,以免妨碍学习。 | She was a highly motivated student and not intending to rush into any relationship that might upset her studies. | |
16 | 尽管很大一部分的钱很有可能会流入雇佣工人的雇主的腰包,这个政策还可以起到一定的作用。 | The strategy makes some sense, although much of the money is likely to go to employers intending to hire anyway. | |
17 | 就这样,一步一步的,到最后,我一辈子干上了科幻小说这一行,虽说年轻时并没有这种打算。 | And so, step by step, without really intending to early on, I ended up devoting my life to a career in science fiction. | |
18 | 两年后西尔斯以10万美元的价格出售了他的生意,移居爱荷华,打算当一名乡村银行家。 | Two years later he sold his business for $100, 000 and moved to Iowa, intending to be a rural banker. | |
19 | 临行前,告诉你的朋友家人你将要去的地方,问问他们有什么好的建议意见。 | Before you go, tell your social network where you’re intending to go and ask if they have any tips or suggestions about traveling there. | |
20 | 罗马尼亚的这个地区没有旅游基础设施,我原来打算在野外露营。 | This area of Romania has no tourist infrastructure of which to speak, so I had been intending to camp rough that night. | |
21 | 目击者声称攀爬者做顶时意在被保护员降下至地面,而她的保护员则认为她要使用保护器自行下降。 | Witnesses noted that the climber set up intending to be lowered, while her belayer thought she was going to rappel. | |
22 | 那些打算销售或购买实际商品并利用期货市场来抵消价格风险的人或公司 | A person or firm who uses the futures market to offset price risk when intending to sell or buy the actual commodity. | |
23 | 情侣可以轻易伤害所爱的人,虽然不是有意为之。 | Lovers can easily hurt the beloved without intending to do so. | |
24 | 上周,美国政府表示,它正打算修订其军事规则手册,确定网络袭击有可能是战争行为。 | Last week, the US government said it was intending to rewrite its military rule book to make cyber-attacks a possible act of war. | |
25 | 事实上,我打算年底就卖了它,也许你可以买。 | B: As a matter of fact, I’m intending to sell it at the end of this year. Maybe you can buy it. | |
26 | 算他倒霉,在错误的时间出现在错误的地方。 | It was his bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time(= so that he got involved in trouble without intending to ) . | |
27 | 他表示:“如果到本周末之前我们得不到回复,我们的客户目前有意投票反对这一交易。” | "If we don’t get a reply by the end of the week our client is currently intending to vote against the transactions, " he said. | |
28 | 他就读于北京外交学院,曾经打算成为一名外交官。 | He studied at the Foreign Affairs University in Beijing, intending to become a diplomat. | |
29 | 他抛下夏洛特和都布里,带走了两个较大的儿子。奥基弗终于决定返回萨凡纳。 | He left Charlotte and Dolibu behind, but took with him his two eldest sons, apparently intending to return at long last to Savannah. | |
30 | 他气愤得不行,打算通过打官司来解决这个问题。而且他不是唯一一个想这么做的人。 | He is so annoyed that he’s intending to mount a legal appeal to tackle the issue. |